What is the Difference Between a Weir and a Spillway?

Aug. 28, 2023

In the realm of hydraulic engineering, two vital structures play a pivotal role in managing and controlling water flow: weirs and spillways. These structures might appear similar at first glance, but they serve distinct purposes and exhibit subtle differences that are crucial to their functionality. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the intricate world of hydraulic engineering to understand the nuances and disparities between a weir and a spillway.


 Understanding Weirs


A weir is a carefully designed obstruction built across an open channel, such as a river or a stream, to regulate the flow of water. It serves multiple purposes, including measuring discharge, controlling water levels, and diverting excess water. Weirs come in various forms, each tailored to its intended function. Common types include sharp-crested weirs, broad-crested weirs, and compound weirs.


 Functions of Weirs


- Flow Measurement: Hydraulic weirs are often used as flow-measuring devices due to their predictable hydraulic behavior. The water level upstream of the weir correlates with the flow rate passing over the weir.

- Flood Management: Weirs play a pivotal role in flood control by limiting the peak flow of water downstream, preventing inundation in populated areas during heavy rainfall.

- Water Supply: Weirs can also aid in maintaining a consistent water supply by ensuring that a minimum flow is maintained downstream for various purposes such as irrigation and domestic use.


 Understanding Spillways


On the other hand, a spillway is a structure integrated into dams and other hydraulic structures to provide a controlled path for excess water to flow away from the structure. The primary objective of a spillway is to prevent dam overtopping and potential catastrophic failure. Spillways come in various types, including chute spillways, labyrinth spillways, and gated spillways.


 Purposes of Spillways


- Emergency Water Release: During heavy rainfall or periods of excessive water accumulation, the spillway offers a safe and controlled route for water to bypass the dam, preventing overtopping and potential dam failure.

- Reservoir Level Management: Spillways assist in maintaining a safe and optimal water level within the reservoir. Excess water can be released to manage the reservoir's capacity and reduce the risk of flooding downstream.

- Energy Dissipation: The design of spillways incorporates features that dissipate the energy of rapidly flowing water, minimizing erosion downstream and safeguarding the environment.


Hydraulic Elevator Dam

Spillway VS Weir


While both weirs and spillways play integral roles in hydraulic engineering, several notable differences set them apart:


1. Function: The primary function of a weir is to control flow, measure water levels, or divert water for various purposes. Spillways, on the other hand, are specifically designed to prevent dam overtopping and manage excess water during high flow events.


2. Design: Weirs are designed to create a change in water elevation and regulate flow, whereas spillways are designed to handle large volumes of water safely and prevent flooding.


3. Location: Weirs are commonly found in open channels and rivers, while spillways are integrated into dams and reservoirs.


4. Flow Regulation: Weirs regulate flow by controlling water height over the crest, while spillways manage excessive water by providing a controlled release point.


5. Usage: Weirs are versatile structures used for measurement, diversion, and flow control. Spillways are specialized structures used solely for flood control and dam safety.




The distinction between a weir and a spillway lies in their design, purpose, and location. Weirs are channel obstructions used for flow measurement and control, while spillways are safety mechanisms to prevent dam overtopping and ensure controlled water release. Their significance in hydraulic engineering cannot be understated, as both structures contribute to efficient water management, flood control, and safeguarding infrastructure.


Beijing IWHR Corporation (BIC), established in 1993, is a wholly-owned enterprise of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR).

BIC mainly works in water conservancy, small-scale hydropower and water treatment fields, capable of undertaking turn-key project including engineering investigation and design, construction, supervision, consulting and evaluation, monitoring and inspection, installation and commissioning.

Until now BIC research and develop serious of movable dams used in water resources management field, such as hydraulic elevator dam, simplified elevated dam, and movable flood wall. These self-researched scientific achievements have been used in hundreds of projects nationally and abroad, achieving well economic efficiency and social efficiency.

If you want to read more information about weir and a spillway, just visit --> (https://www.bic-iwhr.com/contact-us/)

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